Web Design in Dallas, Client Testimonial by Barbie Decker with Get Fit with Barbie

Web Design in Dallas, Client Testimonial by Barbie Decker with Get Fit with Barbie. CI Web Group possesses the best web designers all over Dallas, LA and the Seattle area. Our service includes Web design in Dallas, LA and Seattle areas.
In addition to having an amazing team of developers, SEO engineers, web designers and social media marketers our team has some very unique and beneficial skillsets that really make the difference.

Our CEO has over 15 years experience in enterprise through enterprenuerial businesses. She has held executive positions is the areas of Supply Chain Strategy, Operaitons, Logistics, Manufacturing and Technology. Additionally she has built small to mid size business’s leveraging her expertise in Sales, Marketing, CRM, Digital Marketing and overall Business Strategy. With a background in Project Management, Six Sigma and Supply Chain Strategies, our team has a comprehensive approach to implementation of digital marketing strategies.

Our Senior VP of Strategy and CEO have been international speakers for over 15 years. They are sought out to provide keynotes, breakouts, radio and TV interviews for corporations, associations, groups and companies. Their leadership and commitment to eductation business owers, sales teams, professionals and their customers is a passion of theirs and our companies.

Our team consists of over 15 developers, project managers, event managers, photographers, SEO engineers, social media managers and strategy experts.

Additionally, our strategy is constantly evolving. We are able to leverage our leaderships following and network to gain additional exposure for our clients. We do this by engaging our customers in our live, video and audio events. We play big. We play outside of the guidelines. We create our own way of doing things.


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